Dressing appropriately is essential with respect to interpersonal engagements, specially in a professional environment, regardless of how lenient a workplace is. It is imperative to make an effort to show that you take yourself and your work seriously.
Being tidy portrays you as someone with high standards, who would get the job done with great attention to detail. Having said that, there are many people who don’t look well put-together, but are amazing at what they do. Unfortunately, unless their reputation of excellence precedes them, they may be unfairly judged based on first impressions.
Showing up to work sloppy on a regular basis, can lead to failure in generating trust with coworkers and clients. In fact, a messy appearance can make a person look uninterested, and could hinder their progress at work, due to feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness. On the other hand, having a good image can boost confidence and help a person get motivated at work. This positive attitude attracts attention, gives people a sense of assurance in one’s competency, and helps with relationship development at work.
Dressing well doesn’t come easy to everyone; while some are skilled at it, others may appreciate help. If you are in the latter group don’t stress. It’s not necessary to have a lot of clothes; you can look good even with a small budget. The secret is to look fresh and confident. A good way to start is to choose an outfit the night before, making sure that everything is clean, and ironed/steamed. This can prevent frantic rummaging through your closet in the morning, and therefore, leave you plenty of time to do other things.
While it’s important to be presentable at work, it doesn’t mean that you should give up your individuality. You can always incorporate unique pieces into your professional look. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be a celebrity to have an image consultant, who can offer you advice, and make any style-related anxiety you may have disappear.